Victory in Jesus!

This Sunday we celebrate the greatest miracle in the history of the world – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!  Who would have thought such a thing was even possible?  How can it be that man who was crucified, dead, and buried could come to life again?  He was pronounced dead and laid in a cold-stone sealed tomb.  Humanly speaking, Jesus was not coming out.  Yet a power greater than even death was at work here.  Something supernatural was stirring.  Death is not the end!

Perhaps there are times when you feel you too have reached “the end.”  You may not be dying a literal, physical death.  But it surely seems that life has dealt you a final blow.  You get a terminal diagnosis.  Your marriage is going south.  You can’t seem to connect with your kids.  A friend betrays you.  You get laid-off or fired.  You are stuck in a destructive addiction.  Or, maybe you really are reaching the end of your life.  What do we do then?  Where do we find hope?  Where is God in all of this?

If you’ve ever felt down, depressed, defeated, or dying, this Easter Sunday is God’s gift to you!  If Jesus can triumph over the grave, than anything we encounter on this side of the grave is no match for the resurrection power of God.  Jesus can heal your heart, your body, your marriage, your relationships, your addictions, your life.  The bare cross and empty tomb prove that God’s love triumphs over the death and destruction of the enemy.  Hope is reborn.  Lives are revived.  Your life can be revived!

Join your friends at Grace Church this Sunday, March 31 as we celebrate this amazing truth!  Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM.  Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature a dramatic resurrection re-enactment, an inspiring biblical message entitled, “Resurrection Cliffhanger,” joyous worship, warm and welcoming friends, and the healing power of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  A Nursery space and Busy Bags are offered for children.  All are welcome.  Newcomers expected!

An Easter brunch with tasty refreshments including cinnamon rolls, pumpkin bars, fresh fruit, sweet treats, coffee, and juice will be served 9:30-10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  Second service folks are invited to come early while first service folks can linger afterward.  The food is free and plentiful.  An Easter Egg Hunt for children 10 years and younger will also be held this Sunday.  Children should meet in the education wing at 10:00 AM.  Finders of the Super Eggs receive extra prizes!

It’s going to be another Spirit-filled weekend this Easter Sunday at Grace Church!  We’d love for you and your loved ones to join us.  Please forward this email to anyone you want to invite.  Or, print and pass along the attached flyers as invitations.  God has something special in store for you this Sunday.  Who knows?  Maybe a revival and resurrection of your soul is the gift God wants to give you this Sunday.  Join us as we celebrate life, resurrection, and victory in Jesus over this dying world!

Together in Jesus,

Pastor Dave Van Netten


Easter Exultation


Holy Week Begins