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Easter Sunday Celebration

We look forward to celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, March 31. Our traditional service will take place at 9:00 AM, featuring special music and the singing of some of our favorite Easter hymns. A contemporary celebration will take place at 10:45 AM, featuring the lively music of our praise band. A light brunch and time of refreshments will be offered in our Fellowship Hall from 9:30-10:30 AM for those who would like to join us. Donations are appreciated. And an Easter Egg Hunt for children will be held outside between services, or inside if the weather is bad. Mark your calendar, plan to join us, and reach out to invite your family and friends. Come and celebrate the greatest event and miracle in all of human history! Click HERE for an invitational flyer to print/view and/or pass along to others!

March 28

Maundy-Thursday Service

March 31

Easter Egg Hunt