Are You Wise?

The answer to that question depends on who you ask.  If you asked that of my grade school teacher, she probably would not have said that I am wise.  If you asked my high school friends, some might have said that I am wise.  After all, I did get pretty good grades in high school.  If you ask those who are some years younger than me, they might say that I am wise.  So, what makes for a wise person?  Is it above average intelligence?  Is it practical knowledge?  How about being “book smart?”  Or is it common sense? 

No study of Jesus’ birth – and no Advent sermon series – would be complete without a look at the Wise Men.  Who were these mysterious visitors from the East?  From what countries did they come?  Why do we, and history, regard them as being “wise?”  Matthew alone is the only gospel writer to even mention them.  Neither Mark, Luke, or John say anything about wise men.  Did they arrive at the stable as we see depicted in Christmas cards?  Or, did they arrive some years later?  What is the significance of their gifts? 

Join us Sunday morning, December 24, as we consider these regal visitors of the Christ child!  We will dispel the myths surrounding these men and find out what the Bible actually says.  And, I will submit to you three things they did that made these men wise in the eyes of God.  Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM.  Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature a biblical message, heart-felt worship, warm friends, and the power of the Holy Spirit.  We’ll light four candles on our wreath.  Come, and be blessed!

On Sunday evening, we will “switch gears” and celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  This traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will begin at 6:00 PM.  We’ll sing a few favorite Christmas carols, light the Christ candle, enjoy a solo of “O Holy Night,” hear the culminating message in our Journey to Bethlehem sermon series, pass the flame, and sing “Silent Night” by candlelight.  It’ll be a special and sacred service.  Plan now to join us Sunday morning and also in the evening as we celebrate Christ’s birth!


What Love Is …


Nativity Nonsense