The Power of an Invitation

When I was a young boy, I was actually quite shy.  I realize that for those who know me today, that may seem hard to believe.  People often see me as a confident public speaker, interacting freely with people of all ages, and being genuinely outgoing and welcoming of people I have never met before.  This is all true.  It’s not an act.  But there was a time in my life when I lived my life in a shell.  I was not a leader, outgoing, confident, or comfortable in social settings.  What made the difference?   

It’s hard to point to a single incident.  But I do remember while in high school, having a friend named Dan who for whatever reason called me up once and asked if I wanted to join him for pizza out on a Friday night.  After a little hesitation I said “yes.”  We went to an Italian pizza place in Grand Haven, Michigan called Fricano’s.  We had a great time.  Dan got me out of my shell.  Dan’s invitation gave me confidence to be more social.  I later met more of Dan’s friends.  We are all still friends today!

Dan’s simple invitation had a profound impact on my life.  Jesus is also extending invitations for people to follow him.  And as Christians, we have the great joy of extending invitations for others to come follow Jesus too.  Truth is, Christianity is invitational in nature.  The future of the Christian Church depends in part on our faithfulness to reach out and invite others to follow Jesus.  In fact, the future of Grace Church also depends on our ability to extend invitations and invite others in.

Please join us this Sunday, April 21, for my message, “Growing Grace,” as we explore four practical steps we can all do to help grow Grace Church!  Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM.  Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature the same message, lively worship, warm friends, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  A nursery is provided.  Refreshments will be served between services.  All are welcome.  Newcomers are expected.  The coffee will be hot.  Come, join us! 


Celebrating Grace!


Planting Seeds