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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 24, for our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! We'll enjoy the singing of a few traditional hymns, the lighting of the Christ's candle on our Advent wreath, a special duet, a message of hope by Pastor Dave, the passing of the flame around the sanctuary, and the singing of "Silent Night" by candlelight. Everyone will have opportunity to light a candle if they like; and battery-powered candles are available for small children and to those who prefer. Please make this an annual tradition for you and your family and feel free to invite your friends and loved ones. “For to us a child is born and a Son is given!” All are welcome and visitors expected!

December 14

Christmas Drama

January 8

Student Ministries