Join us for an upcoming event!

"The Chosen" Small Group Series (Season Four)
Please join us for a unique small group experience featuring “The Chosen” video series this Fall. We pick-up the series in Season Four where the drama continues! New followers emerge, people seek out Jesus for help, and conflict with religious and Roman authorities heightens. This video makes the life of Jesus, and his disciples come to life. Discussion following to be facilitated by Pastor Dave. Groups will meet on Thursdays, at 10:45 AM and 6:30 PM, beginning February 6. Click HERE to view and print a flyer to pass along to someone. Join us and experience Jesus personally, fresh, alive, and anew! Sign-ups begin this week at Information Station in the church foyer. Or call Pastor Dave at 319-233-4341 to reserve a space for you!

Food Drive
The R.O.C.K. youth group is sponsoring a Food Drive for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank as they serve thousands of persons in need throughout the Cedar Valley and beyond. Your help is requested in donating any canned and non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene items as you are able. Barrels have been placed in the foyer to receive these donations along with a box on the foyer table for those who would like to leave a check or cash donation. The youth will then deliver these to the Food Bank on Wednesday, April 23 as we join with others for a work project of sorting food and goods from 6:00-8:00 PM. If you’d like to work alongside our kids and share in this intergenerational work project, please sign the sheet at the Information Station. Your support and generosity is much appreciated. CLICK HERE for a flyer to view and/or print. The youth of The R.O.C.K. thank you and so do needy families of the Cedar Valley!

Men's Breakfast
Men of the church and community are invited to come together for breakfast on Saturday, April 5 beginning at 9:00 AM in our Fellowship Hall. A delicious breakfast will be served followed by a faith-building discussion led by Pastor Dave. It’ll be a time of great food, fellowship, and faith as brothers in the Lord. All men of church and community are invited and welcome to attend. No cost but donations are appreciated. Reach out and bring a family member or friend. Newcomers expected!

Ladies Outing to Barn Happy
Please be invited to join the "Women of Joy” Bible study group for an outing to "Barn Happy" located at 11310 University Ave in Cedar Falls on Saturday, April 5. We will enjoy lunch and some shopping fun, arriving there around 12:30 PM. Please bring your own money for lunch & shopping. Anyone who would like to carpool can meet at church (520 Maxwell Street, Waterloo) at 11:45 AM. Otherwise, feel free to simply meet us there. Sign-up today at the Information Station or contact Kelly Price (319-504-2649) if you’d like to go. Friends and newcomers invited. Come, make some fun Spring memories with us!

Spring Clean-Up
It’s time to rally together to do some spring sprucing up in and around the church facilities. Join us on Saturday, April 12, anytime between 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon to clean gutters, do some yard work, clean windows, polish sanctuary furniture, wipe down ceiling fans, and perform other miscellaneous tasks as needed. Gene Marsau and Tom Roberts, our property deacons, will coordinate the event. Just come when you can and bring any tools you think may be useful. Lunch will be provided around noon. Many hands make light work!

Palm Sunday Celebration
Join us at 10:00 AM for our special Palm Sunday Celebration, Sunday, April 13! Palm branches will be handed out to all as a symbol of this special day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a peaceful donkey some 2000 years ago. How quickly things changed from an atmosphere of praise to one of turmoil and tempest! Pastor Dave will bring a message of hope and challenge setting the stage for Maundy-Thursday and Easter. Refreshments will be served following the service. Nursery and Busy Bags available for children. Come, join the festive throng of worshippers with your family as we welcome Jesus into our midst!

"Easter Song" Drama
Mark your calendar today! “Easter Song” will be presented at 7:00 PM on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 18 & 19. Experience a dramatic presentation of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ told through acting, music, and dance! The Lord’s Supper will be shared as part of the drama through individually wrapped elements. An invitational flyer is available by clicking HERE to view, print, and pass along to others. Don’t miss this great opportunity to point others to the resurrection power of Jesus! Who will you invite? All are invited and welcome!

"Easter Song" Drama
Mark your calendar today! “Easter Song” will be presented at 7:00 PM on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 18 & 19. Experience a dramatic presentation of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ told through acting, music, and dance! The Lord’s Supper will be shared as part of the drama through individually wrapped elements. An invitational flyer is available by clicking HERE to view, print, and pass along to others. Don’t miss this great opportunity to point others to the resurrection power of Jesus! Who will you invite? All are invited and welcome!

Easter Brunch
Join us for a light Easter Breakfast in which a smorgasbord of refreshments will be served from 8:45 to 9:45 AM on Easter morning in our Fellowship Hall. Options include fresh fruit, muffins, pumpkin cake bars, juice, and coffee. Parents are welcome to come with their families and eat while their children participate in the Easter Egg Hunt. There is no charge, but donations will be received to help off-set the cost. Enjoy as much or little as you like with your family and friends. Click HERE to view and/or print an invitational flyer. Come hungry, leave happy!

Easter Egg Hunt
All children up through 10 years of age are invited to join together for an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning, April 20, beginning at 9:15 AM. Young children will search in the courtyard while older children will hunt around the youth house and parsonage properties. Children are encouraged to sign-up ahead of time (call Kelly @ 319.504.2649) and must accompanied by a parent/adult/teenager. Please meet Kelly Price & helpers in the church foyer Easter morning. Special prizes will be awarded by Pastor Dave at the contemporary service today to the finders of the “Super Egg.” In case of bad weather, the egg hunt will be moved indoors. So, either way, come on out with your kids or grandkids to enjoy the fun! Click HERE to view and/or print an invitational flyer to pass along to someone. A light Easter breakfast will also be served from 8:45-9:45 AM in our Fellowship Hall. Easter Celebration worship begins at 10:00 AM. All are welcome!

Easter Sunday Celebration
Join us as we celebrate the greatest event in all human history - the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! Worship begins at 10:00 AM with a blend of familiar hymns and contemporary songs. A nursery space is provided along with a Children’s Church for children from 3 years-old through those in 2nd grade. Busy Bags are also available for children who remain in the sanctuary. A light breakfast of rolls, fruit, juice, and coffee will be served in our Fellowship Hall from 8:45 to 9:45 AM. And an Easter Egg Hunt for children will be held outside beginning at 9:15 AM, or inside if the weather is bad. Mark your calendar, plan to join us, and reach out to invite your family and friends. Come and celebrate the greatest event and miracle in all of human history! Click HERE for an invitational flyer to print/view and/or pass along to others!

Service Project
The R.O.C.K. kids and leaders invite adults to join us for our upcoming service project at the Northeast Iowa Food Bank on Wednesday, April 23. The youth will deliver the barrels of food we collect and serve the Food Bank by sorting, sifting, and packing food. We will also take a guided tour of the Food Bank to learn more about their ministry and service to northeast Iowa. Please meet at church at 5:45 PM on April 23 to arrange carpools; we will return at 8:00 PM. It’s a great opportunity to work alongside our youth, serve the hungry of our community, and honor Jesus. Please sign-up at the Information Station if you would like to join us. Click HERE for a flyer to view and/or print and pass along to someone.

Chalk Artist Sunday
We look forward to welcoming chalk artist, Randy Davis, into our midst on Sunday, May 18. Randy will present a visually illustrated message as he does a live drawing for our worship service beginning at 10:00 AM. His presentation is educational, dramatic, and inspiring. Randy is from Ottumwa, Iowa and was with us a few years ago but will bring a fresh presentation. Come, be encouraged in your faith through his visually stunning chalk artistry and biblical message. A free-will offering will be received for his ministry. Invitational flyers will soon be available. Plan now to attend and invite/bring your family and friends!

“Sunday in the Park” Worship & Picnic for Neighborhood & Community
Join us for a community-wide worship service and picnic to be held Sunday, June 15 at Hope Martin Park in Waterloo (on Fletcher Ave. between University Ave. and Hwy. 63). This informal service will begin at 10:00 AM and features the music of our “Spirit of Grace” praise band. Pastor Dave will bring an inspiring message of encouragement for life in today’s world. A potluck picnic follows worship with free burgers, hotdogs, beverages, and table service provided. A balloon artist, face-painting, and games will be available for children. Posters and flyers will soon be available here online and also at the church. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. All persons of church and community are invited. Click HERE for a flyer to view, download, print, and/or pass along to someone you want to invite. Please join us along with your family and friends!

Seniors' Spring Luncheon
Our next Seniors’ Luncheon will be held later this month on Tuesday, March 25, beginning at noon. After a delicious meal and fellowship around the tables, we’ll be treated to a special concert of music by an excellent local singer and pianist, Lisa Hook, in our sanctuary. Please mark the date on your calendar and plan to join us. A sign-up sheet will soon be available at the Information Station to reserve your place. All seniors and friends invited and welcome! This event is organized by Elroy & Colleen Rowenhorst and Jan Dykstra. We hope you will join us along with your friends. All seniors invited and welcome!

Ash Wednesday Service (Postponed to New Date!)
Our Ash Wednesday service has been moved to Wednesday, March 12 due to the snowstorm on March 5. This informal yet meaningful service will begin at 6:00 PM in our sanctuary. Lent is a season of penitence, prayer, and identification with the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Join us for this special service of worship and dedication along with the children and youth of our mid-week ministries. Receive the mark of ashes if you wish and renew your commitment to following Jesus to the cross in order to find life. Pastor Dave’s message will focus on being “Sold Out” for Jesus, considering the Rich Young Ruler’s exchange with Jesus. Come join us to enrich your Lenten season!

Church-Wide Potluck
A church-wide potluck will be held in our Fellowship Hall immediately following worship on Sunday, March 9. We invite our family members, friends, and all visitors to join us. Please bring a hot and/or cold dish to share, if you can. Beverages and table service will be provided. What a great opportunity to connect with one another and form some new friendships. Drama practice will still begin around 12:00 noon or shortly thereafter. May God bless our time of worship, fellowship, food, and friendship. Mark your calendar today!

Family Night
Our next Family Night for all kids and families involved in our Wednesday night student ministries will be held Wednesday, February 26, from 5:15 to 7:00 PM. Children and youth are urged to invite their parents, siblings, grandparents, and friends for a delicious meal served family-style followed by an evening of board games, checkers, cards, dominos, or whatever game you choose to play. The event is intended to bring families together through positive interaction and make connections with parents of those who attend Fish Net and The ROCK. Please pray for this special and important outreach event. Call Pastor Dave at 319-233-4341 if you need more information. CLICK HERE to view and/or print the flyer to pass along to invite others. All parents and families invited and welcome!

Valentines Dinner & Movie Night (Postponed to New Date!)
Couples, singles, families, and friends are invited to a Valentines’ Dinner & Movie Night which has now been postponed (due to bad weather) to FRIDAY, February 21 at Grace Church. We’ll begin at 5:00 PM with welcome and check-in. Then, a delicious supper will be served at 5:30 PM in our Fellowship Hall, featuring Baked Ham, Baked Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Dinner Rolls, Desserts, Milk, Coffee, and Lemonade. Following the meal, we’ll proceed to sanctuary for the showing of the inspirational movie, “The Prayer Box.” Dessert and door prizes will follow the presentation. A $10/person donation is suggested to help offset the cost of the meal. Click the FLYER for more information (insert new date) and then pass it along to invite your friends. All couples, sweethearts, singles, and families are invited. Childcare provided. Reserve your place by signing up at the Information Station or calling Kelly Price at 319-504-2649. Newcomers and visitors welcome!

Communion Sunday
We will have the joy and privilege of participating in the sacrament of Holy Communion this Sunday, February 9. All who love Jesus and belong to his Church are invited and welcome to partake. You will receive a pre-packaged personal element combination of a small wafer and cup of grape juice as you enter the sanctuary (served by someone wearing gloves). Join us and celebrate the fact that we are truly one Body with brothers and sisters from all around the world and from various nations, tribes, and languages. May God nurture and nourish our faith as we share this special sacrament in unity and faith!

"Who is Jesus?" Sermon Series
Join us for a brand-new sermon series! “Who is Jesus?” will begin on February 2 and focus on the person of Jesus by exploring the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John. Let us get back to basics by returning to the very center of our faith. This series promises Good News and hope to everyone. Please plan to attend and use this FLYER to reach out and invite others to join us. Rediscover the power of Jesus in your life!

"Get Air" Trampoline Park Youth Outing
Our R.O.C.K. youth group will have a special outing to the Get Air Trampoline Park on Wednesday, January 29. We’ll meet at church at our regular time, carpool to Get Air, check-in, have a pizza party and then jump for one hour from 6:00-7:00 PM returning to church around 7:15 PM for pick-up by parents. Cost is $10.00/person which includes “jump socks.” Online waivers must be completed by all who wish to jump prior to the event and must be done by parents or guardians for jumpers under 18 years before entrance to jump area is allowed. Go to www.getairwaterloo.com to complete waiver online and click “Waiver” tab on top page menu. Park includes trampolines, foam pits, dunk lanes, dodgeball courts, tumbling tracks, vending machines, a photo booth, and lots of other fun features. Join us for a night of fun and invite your friends! (Parents/adults contact Pastor Dave if you can help transport kids.) Click HERE for a flyer to see more details and/or to pass along to a friend. All junior and senior high kids welcome!

“Clarence Williams & the Rising Sons” Sunday Gospel Concert
The local black gospel group known as “Clarence Williams and The Rising Sons” will present a mini concert of praise and testimony on Sunday, January 26, for our morning worship. The service will begin at 10:00 AM as usual and conclude at the regular time. There is no cost but a free-will offering will be received for the group. Please invite your family and friends. Invitational flyers are available in the church foyer or by clicking HERE. Let’s ‘pack the house’ to the glory of God for what promises to be a fun and exciting time of fellowship and worship!

Ordination & Installation Service
Join us on this Sunday as we ordain and install new consistory members. Tom Roberts will be ordained and installed to the office of deacon. Bill Reams and Kelly Price will be installed to the office of deacon and elder respectively. May God bless our 2025 consistory as they provide steady leadership in challenging times, and as we faithfully encourage and pray for our leaders and pastor regularly. Invite your family and friends. Let us thank and support those who are willing to serve!

Student Ministries
Our student ministries resume on Wednesday, January 8. Fish Net for children ages 3 through those in 5th grade features a delicious meal, singing, Bible lessons, crafts, and activities. Junior and senior high kids from 6th – 12th grades are invited to be a part of The R.O.C.K. Youth Group meeting at our Youth House (1322 Shady Lane). Both programs run weekly beginning with supper at 5:15 PM and dismissing at 7:00 PM. Contact Pastor Dave (319-233-4341) if you need more information. Use the flyers in the foyer to invite kids. Newcomers, guests, parents, and visitors welcome!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 24, for our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! We'll enjoy the singing of a few traditional hymns, the lighting of the Christ's candle on our Advent wreath, a special duet, a message of hope by Pastor Dave, the passing of the flame around the sanctuary, and the singing of "Silent Night" by candlelight. Everyone will have opportunity to light a candle if they like; and battery-powered candles are available for small children and to those who prefer. Please make this an annual tradition for you and your family and feel free to invite your friends and loved ones. “For to us a child is born and a Son is given!” All are welcome and visitors expected!

Christmas Drama
“Animals at the Christmas Scene” will be presented by our drama team on Friday, December 13 at 7:00 PM, and also Saturday, December 14 at 2:00 PM for a special matinee’ performance. This drama is an imaginative interpretation of the Christmas story where the animals do the talking! It’s creative, fun, light-hearted, and yet contains a powerful message of the gospel. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend. No cost, but free-will donations for our drama ministry will be accepted. Use the flyers available in the church foyer to reach out and invite others. Click HERE to view/print a flyer to pass along to invite others electronically or in person. Experience the message of God’s love this Christmas!

Christmas Drama
“Animals at the Christmas Scene” will be presented by our drama team on Friday, December 13 at 7:00 PM, and also Saturday, December 14 at 2:00 PM for a special matinee’ performance. This drama is an imaginative interpretation of the Christmas story where the animals do the talking! It’s creative, fun, light-hearted, and yet contains a powerful message of the gospel. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend. No cost, but free-will donations for our drama ministry will be accepted. Use the flyers available in the church foyer to reach out and invite others. Click HERE to view/print a flyer to pass along to invite others electronically or in person. Experience the message of God’s love this Christmas!

"A New Reality" Advent Sermon Series
Please be invited to a unique sermon series by Pastor Dave during this Advent season, beginning Sunday, December 1 and culminating with our Christmas Eve service on December 24. This five-part series will focus on the new reality of hope and abundance that Jesus brings to this broken world and into our troubled lives. Based on reflections by Dr. Walter Brueggemann of Elisha the Old Testament Prophet and Precursor to Jesus, Pastor Dave will reveal and explore how Elisha actually points us to Jesus and the new world he brings to earth. Take a fresh look at Advent and Christmas with us. Click HERE to view and print a flyer to pass along to others. Don’t miss even of these powerful messages!

Thanksgiving Eve Service
All are invited to join together and give thanks to God in an informal Thanksgiving Eve service beginning at 6:00 PM Wednesday, November 27. The children and youth of our mid-week ministries will be joining us. Mark your calendar today and come prepared to give thanks to God for his many blessings in your life. The offering will go to the World Renew, a joint RCA and CRC organization responding to disasters around the world, including hurricane relief in the southwest. Please mark your calendar today and plan now to attend this special service. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). How will you give thanks to God this Thanksgiving? Please join us with your friends and family!

“Spirit of Grace” Praise Concert
Our very own praise band, “Spirit of Grace,” will present a concert of praise, worship, and testimony on Saturday, November 16. The concert is free and will run from 7:00-8:15 PM in the Grace Church sanctuary. Various band members and others may share some brief testimonies of hope and encouragement throughout the concert. All are invited to come and worship our great God in this special evening of praise. Invitational flyers and posters will soon be available in the church foyer. Click HERE to view and/or print a flyer to pass along to someone. Please reach out and bring your friends. Let us worship our great God together. Everyone welcome! Visitors expected!

Meatloaf Supper Fundraiser
All are invited to come together for a church-wide supper on Saturday, November 16, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, serving until 6:30 PM. Menu includes meatloaf, baked potato with sour cream and butter available, green bean casserole, dinner roll, dessert, and beverages including milk, punch, and coffee. This supper will be a fundraiser for our General Fund and will be coordinated by George & Deb Weich. There is no set cost, but donations of all sizes are encouraged and appreciated. Sign-up at the Information Station today to bring a dessert to share, or to help in the kitchen. Use the flyer attached HERE to reach out and tell your friends about the supper and praise band concert following. Enjoy great food, fellowship, fundraising, and faith-raising all in one evening! Stay following supper for our “Spirit of Grace” praise band concert beginning at 7:00 PM! All are welcome. Visitors expected!

Family Night
Our first Family Night of the season for the children, youth, parents, siblings, and families of kids involved in our student ministries will be held Wednesday, November 13. We’ll enjoy a delicious supper as families, do some introductions, be led in a few praise songs by “Spirit of Grace,” and then pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes together. All family members of our Fish Net children and ROCK youth are urged to attend. It’ll be a special night in support of parents and families as we promote positive interaction among families. If you’d like to donate items for us to pack in the shoeboxes, please leave those in the tote(s) in the foyer. Thanks!

Trunk or Treat!
It is time once again for our annual “Trunk or Treat” event for the children of Fish Net (3-year-olds through those in 5th grade) and their friends! Event takes place on Wednesday, October 30 in the Grace Church parking lot. The more cars, vans and trucks we have in the parking lot, the better. It is very simple: Adult volunteers decorate the trunk of your vehicle and hand out candy! You can also dress up. Simple, right? The children will also dress up and vote on the BEST TRUNK. The parking lot will be closed at 6:30pm for the safety of the children. They will trunk or treat until 6:55pm, and the children will be dismissed at 7:00pm. Adults and parents will help assist the children. We hope lots of our church family and friends will come out to support this fun evening. Entries must be registered and approved by signing-up at the church on or before Sunday, October 27. Let’s make this a great evening of fun for the kids and all!

ROCK Youth Group Fun Night
All junior and senior high youth are invited to join The ROCK youth group for a special fun outing to Heartland Farms this Wednesday, October 30. We’ll meet at the church/youth house at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, October 30, to carpool, returning at our usual dismissal time of 7:00 PM. Cost is $10/person which includes pizza, pop, dessert, hayride, the haunted barn, and the corn maze. It’s going to be lots of fun. Invite your friends! Contact Pastor Dave if you have questions or can help transport kids.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Campaign
Our annual shoebox drive for Operation Christmas Child begins Sunday, October 27 and will last through Sunday, November 17! Please pick up an empty box (or several) from the foyer, take it home, go shopping, and fill it with gifts (i.e. school supplies, hygiene items, toys, etc.) for a boy or girl of a designated age. Instructional brochures are included with each box and an optional donation of $10.00 is requested. Please return your filled box(es) to the foyer by November 17. Our goal is 80 boxes this year. Your generosity can change a child’s life forever. May God use Grace Church to point precious children to Jesus!

Discovery Class for Inquirers
The “Discovery Class” runs for five consecutive Sundays after the morning service from 11:15 to 11:55 AM, beginning October 13. It is for anyone considering membership and for youth wanting to make a public profession of their faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Dave leads this informal class which meets in the adult Sunday school room and is an excellent way to learn more about Grace Church and our ministry. The class serves as a basis for membership here at Grace Church. There’s no obligation to become a member by attending the class, childcare can be provided if needed, and missed sessions can be made up. Discover what membership at Grace Church means and more about the Reformed Church in America and what we believe. Please inform Pastor Dave (319-233-4341) if you would like to attend. Click HERE for a flyer to view and/or print and pass along to a friend or family member. All are welcome!

"Hijacking Jesus" Sermon Series
For nine months now, Pastor Dave has been “birthing” a new sermon series by the Spirit of God! “Hijacking Jesus” will challenge you to think more carefully about popular theologies and cultural trends that claim to be Christian but have little to do with the biblical Jesus. Learn to detect heresy and discern falsehoods. In an age of lies and political posturing, this series will open your eyes and help you fall in love with the true Jesus all over again - or maybe for the first time! The series will run six consecutive weeks and begins September 22. See the flyer for more detail. Please join us 10:00 AM Sundays at Grace Church. A nursery and children’s church provided. Use the flyer to invite anyone and everyone you know to join us for this timely series. Discover the historical, biblical Jesus anew and afresh!

The ROCK – Youth Ministry
All youth from 6th-12th grades are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings during the school year for “The R.O.C.K.” The R.O.C.K. stands for “Redeemed of Christ Kids” and is a youth group for young people trying to find something solid to stand on in the midst of this shaky and crumbling world. We’ll gather at the youth house, have supper at the church, and then enjoy fun lessons and activities to stimulate friendship and faith in Jesus Christ. A $2/person donation is asked of all participating youth to help offset the cost of supper. Newcomers and friends are welcome. View or download an invitational flyer by clicking HERE. We begin the new year with a cookout, get-to-know-ya games, and a fun night at our youth center. Come, find stability and security in the solid Rock of Jesus Christ as we share in food, fun, friendship, and faith!

Fish Net – Children’s Ministry
All children 3-year-olds through 5th graders are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings during the school year for a delicious meal, a Bible lesson, a craft or activity, lively singing in the sanctuary, and caring teachers. A $2/person donation is asked of all participating youth to help offset the cost of supper. Parents are urged to bring your child(ren) and welcome to tag along and visit any time. View or download an invitational flyer by clicking HERE. We begin a new season with great new teaching. Newcomers and friends invited and expected. Please join us and let’s “catch kids for Christ!”

Discipleship Sunday
Join us for this special Sunday as we renew our focus on growing in God and becoming better disciples of Jesus Christ. As we launch our Fall programs, we commission all teachers, leaders, helpers, and support staff at a combined 10:00 AM on this morning. This includes anyone leading and/or involved with Fish Net, The ROCK, Small Groups, Women’s Ministries, Men’s Ministries, and general Bible study leadership. Pastor Dave will bring a special message of challenge. Dedicate your life to spiritual growth this Fall which is a time for fresh starts and new commitments. May we continue to demonstrate our love for God by being a church that is focused and intentional about growing in Jesus!

Going for Gold!
How inspiring to watch Olympic athletes from all over the world compete in this year’s summer Olympics! But what if there were a spiritual Olympics? How would you do? Would your dedication and discipline in following Jesus land you a place on the medal stand? Do you have what it takes to win a gold medal? Hebrews 12:1-2 says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Join Grace Church and Pastor Dave as we embark on a brand-new sermon series entitled “Going for Gold!” This series will help you build spiritual stamina and muscle, as we strengthen our faith and walk with Jesus. Click here for a full-sized flyer to view, print, and/or pass along to invite others. Let us “run the race with perseverance” as we follow Jesus and are inspired by Olympic athletes. Come, develop a deep and durable faith in God with us!

“Sunday in the Park” Worship & Picnic for Neighborhood & Community
Join us for a community-wide worship service and picnic to be held Sunday, August 11 at Galloway Park in Waterloo (corners of Stratford and Maxwell, kiddy-corner from the church building). This informal service will begin at 10:00 AM and features the music of our “Spirit of Grace” praise band. Pastor Dave will bring an inspiring message of encouragement for life in today’s world. A potluck picnic follows worship with free burgers, hotdogs, beverages, and table service provided. A balloon artist, face-painting, and games will be available for children. Posters and flyers will soon be available here online and also at the church. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. All persons of church and community are invited. Click HERE for a flyer to view, download, print, and/or pass along to someone you want to invite. Please join us along with your family and friends!

Jesus Give-Away
Share the love of Jesus unconditionally with those in need by donating or serving at our upcoming annual “Jesus Give-Away” mission project for the Cedar Valley. Donations of good used or slightly used items including cookware, clothing, housewares, furniture, computers, televisions, bicycles, yard items, children’s clothes, toys, shoes, books, DVD’s, etc will be received on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 PM beginning the second week in July (the 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 23th, and 25th) at our Shady Lane Youth Center (1322 Shady Lane). Items must be in good working condition and clothes must be laundered and clean. Donations of hotdogs, condiments, chips, and water for our guests are also needed. Event will run from 9:00am – 3:00pm on Saturdays, July 20 & 27, and all items are free to anyone who has need. Call Kelly Price at 319.504.2649 if you have questions or want to donate. Volunteers are needed to donate items, help organize items beforehand, and work the actual event morning or afternoon shifts. Tell your friends and plan to attend to find things you can use and also to bless others. Click HERE to view and/or print a flyer to hand out and invite someone. It’s like a garage sale - only free!