Make a donation.
Support the mission of Grace.
Know how your contribution is being used.
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting Grace Church financially. We believe our dollars put together can work better than they do individually—and we want to help you feel connected to the way you’re giving. We invite you to consider the funds below to choose how your gift can help meet specific needs. Truly, we can never out-give God; His blessings always return to us!
Contribute to the overall program of Grace Church, including local ministries, staffing, and operational expenses. These gifts help keep the church strong, active in ministry, and moving forward week to week.
Support local, regional, and global mission including our two primary mission programs. These include the ministry of Ron & Amelia Den Hartog in Columbia, and Audio Scriptures Ministries world-wide. Your gift changes lives!
We take pride in maintaining and updating the beautiful facilities God has given us. Our Building Fund serves the needs of our physical plant including church, parsonage, and youth house needs, properties, and updates.
One of the many ways Grace Church cares for people with the love of Jesus is by helping those who are in emergent need financially. Our funds aren’t unlimited, but your gift makes a big difference to someone in need.