There’s a place for you at Grace.
Sunday Worship
Join us on Sundays.
Join us this Sunday at 10:00 AM to be encouraged in your spiritual journey toward Jesus! Vibrant worship. Inspiring message. Warm and welcoming people. The healing presence of the Holy Spirit. Nursery provided. Children’s Church offered. Refreshments served following. Visitors welcome. Why would you not want to join us this Sunday? Newcomers and guests welcome and expected!
10:00am (Combined) - presently being offered
It’s a beautiful service with a blend of historic hymns and contemporary praise songs. Beginning at 10:00 AM, this service offers something for everyone. It’s a great way to bring the entire family together. A nursery space is provided. Children’s Church is offered each Sunday. Refreshments are usually served following the service for all in our Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendar, tell your family and friends, reach out to invite someone, and enjoy coming together to worship our great God with one voice!
9:00am (Traditional) - paused indefinitely
For those who connect with God best in a traditional way, come to this service and worship through hymns, organ accompaniment, responsive readings, and special music. This service is more liturgical, reflective, and traditional in approach. It’s a great way to pull away from the busyness of this world to “be still” and know that the Lord is God.
10:45am (Contemporary) - paused indefinitely
Join in the celebration of our great God through the lively music of our “Spirit of Grace” praise band. Hear an inspiring message and receive encouragement for real life in today’s world. Nursery care is provided at the contemporary service. Attire is casual. Come be uplifted in the power and presence of the Spirit!
Student Ministry
Groups for children and youth.
Most every Wednesday during the school year, join us for our student programming to create a solid faith foundation. A meal is provided each week for a donation of just $2 per child.
Attendees are welcome to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer (provided) if they wish, although they are not required to do so.
Fish Net
Kids Ministry
Wednesdays | 5:15 - 7:00pm
Children 3 years old through 5th grade, join us for singing and worship, Bible-based teaching, crafts, games, fun activities, a yearly mission cause for optional offerings, and service projects! Fish Net’s mission is to “catch kids for Christ” based on Jesus’ words in Mark 4:19. Parents are welcome and may accompany their child(ren) at any time. Join us for our opening “Splash Party” on September 8. Kids absolutely love Fish Net!
View or download an invitational flyer by clicking here.
The R.O.C.K.
Jr. & Sr. High Ministry
Wednesdays | 5:15 - 7:00pm
6th through 12th graders—join our youth group as we experience Bible-based learning, activities to build your faith, social events, and service projects. Faith, friendship, fun, and food are components of The R.O.C.K. which stands for “Redeemed of Christ Kids.” Our mission is to help young people find strength and solid footing on the Rock of Jesus in today’s turbulent world!
View or download an invitational flyer by clicking here.
Adults & Families
Join a group to grow your faith.
Discovery Class
For those considering membership and/or youth wanting to make a public profession of their faith? Pastor Dave leads this informal 6-week class twice a year between Sunday services. The class serves as a basis for membership but there’s no obligation to become a member by attending. A nursery can be provided if needed, and missed sessions can be made up.
Small Groups
If you are looking for a small community of people to walk through life together, support one another, and learn more about God through the Bible, join one of our informal small groups or Bible studies. Various groups and study series’ are offered at differing times throughout the year. They are a lot of fun, faith-building, friendly, and usually involve food!
Special Events
We’re always providing events and activities to get people plugged-in and growing in their faith! These could include Easter or Christmas dramas, dinners for the community, Sunday in the Parks, our annual Jesus Give-Away outreach, seniors’ luncheons, musical concerts, and/or special services. You can find out what’s coming up next by visiting our events page!
“Getting involved in small groups has been a big blessing to us! The relaxed setting allows us to learn from and bond with others as well as providing an informal place to dig deep into the Bible, applying its truth to daily life. We love the small groups and highly recommend them to anyone!”
- Chuck & Pam Anderson
Service & Mission
Volunteer or serve.
Sunday Volunteers
Help make Sunday worship happen by becoming a greeter, handing out bulletins, running sound, projection, or the video camera. Share your talents through singing, playing an instrument, joining the band, acting in a skit, creating projection slides, decorating the sanctuary, preparing the bulletin, serving in the nursery, or by providing refreshments.
Student Ministry
We’re always looking for energetic leaders and teachers who love to work with children and youth in our Wednesday night program. Help in the classroom as a teacher or assistant, as a part of our support team, administratively, with music, special events, or in the kitchen helping to cook a meal for the kids. Whatever your interest, there’s a place for you!
Caring & Sharing
Join our email Prayer Warriors team, become a Care Shepherd to support those in need, bring meals to the hurting or grieving, send cards to those who are hospitalized, or become a part of our Prayer Shawl ministry making beautiful shawls and delivering them to others. Grace strives to be a church that extends Christ-like care to all our members and friends.
Building & Grounds
You may not be a teacher or worship leader, but you know how to swing a hammer, rake leaves, or push a mop! Maintaining a church, a parsonage, and a youth house takes a lot of work and willing volunteers. Can you paint, pull weeds, clean gutters, shovel snow, cut the grass, make general repairs, or trim bushes? If so, there’s a job for you at Grace!