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Palm Sunday Celebration

Join us at the service of your choice for our special Palm Sunday Celebration, Sunday, March 24! Palm fronds will be handed out to all as a symbol of this special day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a peaceful donkey some 2000 years ago. How quickly things changed from an atmosphere of praise to one of turmoil and tempest! Pastor Dave will continue our “Journey to the Cross” sermon series setting the stage for Maundy-Thursday and Easter. Refreshments will be served between services. Nursery and Busy Bags available for children. Use your palm frond to form a cross as a remembrance of this special day. Instructions for how to do so will be available. Come, join the festive throng of worshippers with your family as we welcome Jesus into our midst!

March 12

Seniors' Spring Luncheon

March 28

Maundy-Thursday Service