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Food Drive

The R.O.C.K. youth group is sponsoring a Food Drive for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank as they serve thousands of persons in need throughout the Cedar Valley and beyond.  Your help is requested in donating any canned and non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene items as you are able.  Barrels have been placed in the foyer to receive these donations along with a box on the foyer table for those who would like to leave a check or cash donation.  The youth will then deliver these to the Food Bank on Wednesday, April 23 as we join with others for a work project of sorting food and goods from 6:00-8:00 PM.  If you’d like to work alongside our kids and share in this intergenerational work project, please sign the sheet at the Information Station.  Your support and generosity is much appreciated.  CLICK HERE for a flyer to view and/or print. The youth of The R.O.C.K. thank you and so do needy families of the Cedar Valley! 

March 25

Seniors' Spring Luncheon

April 5

Men's Breakfast