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Thanksgiving Eve Service

All are invited to join together and give thanks to God in an informal Thanksgiving Eve service beginning at 6:00 PM Wednesday, November 27. The children and youth of our mid-week ministries will be joining us. Mark your calendar today and come prepared to give thanks to God for his many blessings in your life. The offering will go to the World Renew, a joint RCA and CRC organization responding to disasters around the world, including hurricane relief in the southwest. Please mark your calendar today and plan now to attend this special service. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). How will you give thanks to God this Thanksgiving? Please join us with your friends and family!

November 16

“Spirit of Grace” Praise Concert

December 1

"A New Reality" Advent Sermon Series