Couples, singles, families, and friends are invited to a Valentines’ Dinner & Movie Night which has now been postponed (due to bad weather) to FRIDAY, February 21 at Grace Church. We’ll begin at 5:00 PM with welcome and check-in. Then, a delicious supper will be served at 5:30 PM in our Fellowship Hall, featuring Baked Ham, Baked Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Dinner Rolls, Desserts, Milk, Coffee, and Lemonade. Following the meal, we’ll proceed to sanctuary for the showing of the inspirational movie, “The Prayer Box.” Dessert and door prizes will follow the presentation. A $10/person donation is suggested to help offset the cost of the meal. Click the FLYER for more information (insert new date) and then pass it along to invite your friends. All couples, sweethearts, singles, and families are invited. Childcare provided. Reserve your place by signing up at the Information Station or calling Kelly Price at 319-504-2649. Newcomers and visitors welcome!
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