A Bendable God

How flexible are you?  Can you bend down and touch your toes?  Can you squat down all the way to the floor and stand up again without any assistance?  For the last year now, I have been making a more conscious effort to do some simple stretching and core-strengthening exercises most every morning when I first get up.  It’s a great way to help tone my core while stretching sore and stiff muscles.  I’m convinced the exercises are helping.  I’ve lost a little weight.  And, I am more “bendy” than I was a year ago.

Now I wonder:  How flexible is God?  Can God bend down and touch his toes?  Can God bend over backwards like a gymnast?  Is God in good physical shape?  Jesus said God is spirit (John 4:24).  So, we can’t really compare the Being of God with our human bodies.  But I submit to you that God is indeed flexible.  In fact, God is so flexible He bends all the way down from heaven to earth to reach us with redeeming love.  But I was always taught God is unbending, immutable, never-changing.  How can both be true?

Join your family and friends at Grace Church this Sunday, August 20, as we “unpack” exactly how our unchangeable God is yet “bendable” and stoops to our human level.  My message, “Jesus & Jumanji” will reveal three surprising things about God as illustrated by Jesus in Mark 12:28-34.  It’s a message that will challenge and comfort you.  It’s a message that will touch you and tease you.  It’s message that will draw you closer to God through Jesus Christ and give you hope.  Come, and hear God speaking to you this Sunday!

We’ll resume our two-service schedule this week with a 9:00 AM Traditional Worship Service, and a 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship Service.  Both services feature the same biblical message, heart-felt worship, warm friends, and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  A Nursery room and Busy Bags are also available for children.  And, refreshments will be served for all in our Fellowship Hall between services.  So, tell your family and friends; and join us at the service of your choice!


A Counter-Cultural Move


Sunday in the Park