Easter Exultation
What a marvelous day God gave us Easter Sunday at Grace Church! People filled the sanctuary for two services. An exciting resurrection drama opened our worship. Lively praises were sung with the music of organ, piano, and praise band. The Good News was preached. Trumpeting lilies adorned the sanctuary. Families and friends enjoyed a delicious brunch. Children participated in a fun Egg Hunt. Newcomers and visitors came seeking hope. And the risen Jesus was praised by all!
We thank you and all those who joined us, making this day so special not only for Grace Church, but for the Risen Lord himself! We set an attendance record for the year to date with 114 persons joining us for worship between the two services. More than 40 visitors were among that number, many who came seeking a church home. More than 60 people were served at the Brunch. And, 8 children participated in the Easter Egg Hunt. Two found the Super Eggs and received special prizes!
We thank all who participated in and led worship, including musicians and actors as well as our tech team. We thank those who purchased lilies to adorn the platform. We thank Elroy and Colleen Rowenhorst and Jan Dykstra who coordinated the brunch along with all the helpers who served the delicious food. We thank Kelly Price and her helpers for organizing the Easter Egg Hunt, along with parents and friends who pitched in to help. And, we thank God for making this day possible!
It is my prayer that the power of the risen Lord will become manifest in your life this week and for weeks to come! Christians celebrate the resurrection every year. We’ve seen many Easters come and go. But may this Easter be different. Mark’s gospel invites us to finish the story. Is it your life that needs changing? Perhaps it’s your witness that needs to go forth. Maybe YOU need to encounter the risen Jesus personally in your “Galilee” this week. Jesus wants to meet you anew this week!