Fully Alive in ‘25 (Part 1)

I heard a statistic recently that said 95% of how people live their daily lives is based on routines and habits.  That seems like a high percentage to me.  But then I stopped to realize just how much of my days, weeks, and months are lived out of routines and rituals.  Everything from the time I get up and what I eat for breakfast, the structure of my weeks, and when I go to bed is often based on habit.  Routines and rituals give structure to my life.  We truly are creatures of habit!

There’s nothing inherently wrong with habits and customs.  Having a predictable lifestyle frees our minds to think of other things.  It’s just that sometimes, the habits and routines can take over our lives and we find ourselves living mindlessly, even doing things that no longer serve us or others.  It’s easy for routines and rituals to become dry duty or discipline which no longer give us life.  We can even develop bad habits, sinful routines, & act in ways that distance us from God.

Given the power of habits, the new year is an excellent time to do some reflection and evaluation.  Are your habits drawing you closer to God, or further away?  Is the trajectory of your life moving you toward holiness and health?  Or, are there certain habits that are actually harming you and destroying your life?  In this spirit, I propose a new God-given theme for the new year:  “Fully Alive in ’25.”  It’s time to stop living out of routines and live into the abundant life Jesus gives!

Join us this Sunday as we begin the new year together and I share the first of two messages on being “Fully Alive in ’25!”  We’ll discover three simple steps to help us live more fully into the abundant life Jesus has for us.  Worship will be inspiring.  Friends will welcome you.  New consistory officers will be ordained and installed.  A Children’s Church and Nursery will be offered.  Refreshments will be served following worship.  And the Holy Spirit will renew your heart and soul!

Start the new year off right with God and your friends at Grace Church!  January is a great opportunity to begin and build new and healthy habits.  I sincerely hope church attendance will be one of them.  And, please forward this email and reach out to invite a loved one or stranger to join us.  It’s going to be another Spirit-filled Sunday at Grace Church.  Will you open your heart to God’s grace and healing by being present?  I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!




A New Song