Growing Up to be a Child
In 1984, Christian singer and songwriter, Sheila Walsh, released an album (Triumph in the Air) with a song on it entitled, “Growing Up to be a Child.” I still remember the song and how it spoke to me back during my college years. The song echoed the teaching of Jesus that unless we humble ourselves and become like little children, we shall never enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:1-4). That’s a pretty bold statement considering children were valued so little in Palestinian culture during Jesus’ time.
Perhaps there are times you too feel undervalued, underappreciated, and forgotten. Jesus’ words about valuing children and lifting them up as an example serve as hope to all who have ever felt on the margins of society, left-out, overlooked, or put down. The truth is that the Kingdom of God inverts the pyramid of power. Jesus institutes a Kingdom in which the poor, persecuted, outcast, child, and even the repentant sinner are esteemed, welcomed, and embraced. This is indeed Good News for all of us!
May you be encouraged and lifted up with this Good News on this fourth Sunday of Advent as we worship God and anticipate the coming of Jesus and his Kingdom into this world. Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM. Both services feature the same inspiring message, “Hope for the Little,” heart-felt worship, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. A nursery space and Busy Bags are available for children. Please join us and be lifted up!