Honoring Veterans

Please join Grace Church this Sunday, November 13 as we honor all veterans with a 10:00 AM combined worship service, with special focus on Grace Church veterans.  Will McCollum and Steve Smith will present two songs for the event.  Please note the time change and plan to be present for this special Sunday.  A cake to honor veterans will be served for all following the service in our Fellowship Hall.  May we give thanks to all veterans this weekend and praise God for the freedoms we enjoy!

 We will also continue our sermon series through the book of Mark with a message entitled, “Jesus’ Confirmation,” based on Mark 9:2-13.  It’s a story about the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ.  What does it mean?  How does that ancient event impact us today?  Please come and find out this Sunday.  Worship will include both patriotic hymns and contemporary choruses.  It going to be a great Sunday and I sincerely hope to see you and your friends and family members present with us!

 Together in Christ,

Pastor Dave Van Netten


Spiritual Warfare


Trivial Pursuits