Meeting Jesus

Have you ever met someone really important?  Maybe it was a surprise encounter with a celebrity, or a planned event with someone at a concert or political rally.  I once had a chance to see country singer star Willie Nelson when he came to Grand Valley State College many years ago to perform a public concert.  My friends and I waited outside his bus for a chance to see him enter the arena.  After a long wait, he finally stepped off his bus.  I caught a glimpse of his back side.  It was definitely not worth the wait.    

There is someone who is worth the wait, however.  And that someone is Jesus!   Do you know that one day we shall all see Jesus return in glory to planet earth?  He came the first time as a little baby born in a Bethlehem stable.  He will return a second time in power and strength as the King of kings and Lord of lords.  Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord of all.  The question is:  Will you be ready?  Will you be ready to face the Lord Jesus?  Are you ready to meet your Maker?

Mark 13 was not written for speculation about Christ’s return, but for our preparation.  Join us this Sunday, October 1, for the final message on this controversial chapter, highlighting three critical things everyone needs to know, along with four practical ways you can be ready for the return of Christ.  For those who are prepared, it will be a glorious day of celebration and joy.  But for those caught off-guard, it will be a terrible day of judgment and grief.  What will be your experience when you meet Jesus?

Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM.  Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature the same biblical message, heart-felt worship, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared at each service through individually packaged elements.  A Nursery and Busy Bags for children are available.  And refreshments will be served for all between services.  Please join us and prepare to meet Jesus in the sacrament this Sunday!


Peace that Passes Understanding


Keeping Your Head (& Heart!)