Old Faithful

A few years ago, I had the privilege of taking a “Wild West” vacation.  I traveled to the Bad Lands and Black Hills of South Dakota.  I traveled to Devil’s Tower and Cody, Wyoming.  Ultimately, I made my way to my final destination: Yellowstone National Park.  Of course, one of the highlights of visiting Yellowstone was seeing the geyser known as “Old Faithful” erupt.  It’s amazing how predictable and reliable Old Faithful is.  Every so many minutes, it spouts.  And it is truly a marvel to see!

In a sense, God wants us to be like Old Faithful.  Not that we should “erupt” or “spout off” toward others.  But rather, God wants us to be reliable and faithful in our character and relationships with others.  In a world where people rarely want to commit to anything – where people change jobs, relationship, churches, and cell phone numbers regularly – God wants Christians to stand out.  God calls us to like Him, to be faithful.  We are to be consistent, keep our word, and trustworthy.

Sunday’s message, “Faithfulness,” will be an encouragement for everyone.  We’ll focus on this seventh Fruit of the Spirit and lost virtue in today’s world.  Together we’ll examine five reasons faithfulness is so vitally important for Christians and our witness in the world.  Why is faithfulness important?  What does it mean to be faithful?  How can we all be more faithful to Jesus, to others, to our own word, and to the vows and commitments we make in the midst of a rapidly changing culture?

Let’s meet for a combined worship service, beginning at 10:00 AM.  Music will be led by our acoustic combo, including a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs.  A Nursery and Busy Bags will be available for children.  A biblical message, lively worship, warm friends, and the presence of the Holy Spirit will be waiting to greet you this Sunday.  Please reach out, forward this message, extend an invitation, and bring someone with you.  God stands ready to refresh us this Sunday!


God Bless the USA!


God on the Move!