The Advent of Jesus
The days of December are diminishing. There is now more darkness than light to each day. There are fewer days left on the calendar. Christmas is coming. Jesus will be arriving soon. We are now on to the second Sunday in Advent. Advent is a season of preparation, reflection, and anticipation of the coming of Jesus. He comes not only to this earth as a baby born at Christmas. But he also comes as Savior and Lord to be received and reckoned with. Are you ready?
It’s nice to think of the little baby boy Jesus born in Bethlehem. He seems so gentle, so quiet, so lovely on that “silent night” as we like to sing. But let us not forget that Jesus didn’t stay a baby. He grew up, became a man of conviction, and started a revolution in this world. Jesus brings with him a radically different way of living that collides with the kingdoms, forces, and economies of this world. Jesus upset the apple cart of religion, right vs. wrong, and our way of life.
This Sunday we continue our Advent sermon series A New Reality with my message, “Serving Your Neighbor.” A narrative from the Old Testament prophet Elisha, the precursor to Jesus, will again serve as our backdrop. Feel free to familiarize yourself with 2 Kings 5:1-27 in preparation for this message of challenge. Together, we’ll discover what Elisha, Mr. Rogers, and Jesus all have in common. It’s a message of hope, peace, encouragement, and neighborliness.
Worship begins at 10:00 AM featuring a blend of favorite Christmas carols along with a couple contemporary songs as well. The message will be inspiring. The worship will lift your soul. Warm friends will greet you. And the Holy Spirit will be present. A Children’s Church is also offered. Our annual congregational meeting will take place immediately following worship. And a meal will be provided for the drama team before their rehearsal following our annual meeting.
Please join us along with your family, friends, and/or loved ones. There’s a place for you at Grace Church. We’d be delighted to welcome you into our family and fellowship. Feel free to forward this email or share this post to invite anyone and everyone you know. God has a message of peace for you this Sunday!