The B.I.B.L.E.

Do you remember this Sunday school song?  Perhaps you, like me, learned it when you were little.  “The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that's the book for me.  I stand alone on the word of God.  The B-I-B-L-E.”  Two testaments.  Sixty six books.  Forty different authors.  Three different languages.  Written over a period of about 1400 years.  Yet, one great theme: Salvation through Jesus for anyone and everyone who believes!  How truly amazing is the B.I.B.L.E.!   And after all these years, it’s still the #1 best-seller.

This Sunday, we continue our Hijacking Jesus sermon series with a message entitled, “Biblical Interpretation.”  In a nation with so many bad interpretations of Scripture and where the Bible is often used as a weapon by some Christians against those with whom they disagree, how do faithful followers of Jesus interpret the Bible correctly?   How can we remain true to God’s Word in a culture of liberalism?  How can we live out the Word of God in accordance with the example of Jesus?

If you’ve ever struggled to understand the Bible, this Sunday’s message is just for you!  Together we’ll discover five practical and important principles for handling God’s Word correctly.  Worship begins at 10:00 AM with a blend of historical hymns and contemporary choruses.  The message will move you.  A nursery and children’s church will be provided.  Warm friends will greet you.  Refreshments will be provided following.  Newcomers are expected.  And, all will be welcome! 

The “Discovery Class” for inquirers and young people wanting to make a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ also begins this Sunday.  The class is informal and serves as a basis for membership at Grace Church.  We’ll meet in the adult Sunday school room for five consecutive weeks from 11:15 am to 12:00 noon.  If you are considering membership or would simply like to learn more about Grace Church, the RCA, and/or our mission, please join me/us.  See you Sunday!  :)


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