A Cup of Water
One of the best ways we witness to others as Christians is through our actions. A familiar quote from Francis of Assisi says: “Preach the gospel at all times, if necessary use words.” In other words, let the love of Jesus shine into people lives’ through your life, character, and deeds. Don’t just tell them about Jesus; show them the love of Jesus. But what about words? What about a their soul? What about a person’s salvation? Is social justice alone enough to lead someone to Christ?
Join us this Sunday as we continue our new thought-provoking series Hijacking Jesus. Last week, I introduced the series with a message entitled, “The Cultural Jesus.” This Sunday, we’ll consider a message entitled, “Social Justice Gospel.” What is the social justice gospel? How does it present itself in today’s culture and political environment? Is it good? Or is it bad? How could ministering to the physical needs of others possibly distort the person and gospel of Jesus Christ?
Worship begins at 10:00 AM featuring a blended service of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses. The message will be inspiring. The music will be uplifting. A nursery space and Children’s Church will be provided for children. Warm friends will greet you. Newcomers are expected. All will be welcome. And the healing presence of the Holy Spirit will be moving in our midst. Sunday is a day to worship God and be renewed. Please join us and invite your loved ones to experience grace!