At My Rope’s End!
It’s an old expression which you’ve probably heard before. We sometimes say, “I’m at the end of my rope!” when we are so exasperated feel we can’t go on. You feel tired or frustrated with life. You don’t know which way to turn. Life has dealt you a tough “hand” and you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through. Chances are we’ve all been there at one time or another. A health issue, a broken relationship, a bad marriage, job loss, financial debt, the death of a loved one. You can ‘fill in the blank’.
It may surprise you to learn that Jesus’ disciples were also “at their rope’s end” at times. Sunday’s passage describes a time when Jesus and his disciples were facing what seemed like an impossible situation. The disciples weren’t sure how to overcome it. Yet, with the help of Jesus, they found a way through. The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand has a lot to say to us modern-day disciples too. Are you are feeling at the “end of your rope” these days? If so, join us this Sunday, July 10 to find hope and inspiration!
We’ll meet for a 10:00 AM combined service of worship featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary music, leaning more toward the latter this week. Our acoustic worship combo will help lead our worship. A nursery space is available for infants and toddlers. Busy Bags are available for children who remain in the sanctuary. Warm friends, lively worship, an inspiring message, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst await you this Sunday. Please join us and bring a guest or two!