God & Country

What an opportunity we have this weekend to celebrate this great nation known as the United States of America! I for one am proud to be an American. And I look forward to enjoying the Fourth of July next Monday. We also thank God for all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedoms and the blessings we enjoy and often take for granted. Truly, God has favored America. But I am also aware that our nation has shortcomings. We are far from a “perfect union”. We still have work to do.

It is helpful for us to remember that the United States and the Kingdom of God are not the same thing. Whereas nations may be used of God, even as instruments of peace and justice in our world, no nation as good as it is fully embodies the values of Jesus. In fact, we will become deeply disappointed if we are looking to earthy governments and our leaders to bring about a “Christian” nation. Jesus made clear that Caesar and God are not the same. Our citizenship as Christians is first and foremost in heaven.

What does this all mean in practical terms? Join us Sunday to discover five important distinctions between Jesus and his Kingdom versus the kingdoms of this world, and even that of our great nation. How is the Kingdom of God different than earthly nations? What hope do we have as Christians when America falls short? Plus, as bonus material, I will offer five ways we can all be positive witnesses to the life of Jesus right where God has placed us. The message is thought-provoking, encouraging, and offers hope to all.

We will meet again for a combined worship service this Sunday, July 3 at 10:00 AM. Our service will have a distinctively patriotic flavor with the singing of some of our favorite patriotic hymns accompanied by organ and piano. A nursery space is available for infants and toddlers. Busy Bags are available for kids who wish to remain in the sanctuary. It’s going to be another Spirit-filled time of worship, teaching, friendship, & caring. Plan to join us and bring a friend or family member with you. See you Sunday!


At My Rope’s End!


Passing the Baton