Passing the Baton

Are you a runner?  Have you ever seen a relay race or cross country event?  Maybe you watched one live, or saw one on television.  Both of my brothers were runners in high school, but somehow “the running gene” skipped me.  But one thing I know is that the passing of the baton is critical in relay races.  Whether is the 440 relay or 880 relay, if the baton is not passed and received smoothly and successfully, the race may be lost.  You could cross the finish line first.  But if you don’t have the baton in hand, you lose.

Sunday’s teaching from Mark 6:6b-13 is all about Jesus passing the baton of God’s Kingdom work on to his disciples – people like you and me.  Amazing that God should entrust this important work to ordinary, broken people such as us.  Yet, this is exactly what he does!  Discover three amazing aspects to the unfolding mission of God that are truly “Good News” for us who seek to follow Jesus.  Our mission may feel overwhelming at times, but it is not an impossible mission.  By God’s grace, we will succeed!

We’ll be back in the air-conditioned sanctuary this week with a 10:00 AM Combined Worship Service.  Music will be blended with the singing of some of our favorite hymns plus a few contemporary songs.  A nursery space is provided and refreshments might be available following the service in our Fellowship Hall, if anyone volunteers.  It’s going to be another Spirit-filled weekend at Grace Church.  If you are looking for encouragement, healing, and/or a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, please join us with your friends!


God & Country


Sunday in the Park