Birth Pains

Any mothers out there?  Praise God for mothers!  None of us would be here with you!  How wonderful is the miracle of conception and birth.  Giving birth to a brand new bouncing baby is one of the greatest joys a mother can experience.  It is also one of the most difficult.  Mothers know better than I that giving birth often involves a great deal of grunting, groaning, stretching, & pain.  Yet, the pain is quickly forgotten when a mother joyfully holds her newborn for the first time.

The Bible reminds us that the Kingdom of God will not come without “birth pains.”  In Mark 13:8, Jesus said: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”  Paul says in Romans 8:22: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”  We have all experienced the pain of this broken, groaning world. 

The Good News is:  God is birthing something new!  One day the pain will subside and the beautiful Kingdom of God will be fully “born” on earth.  This Sunday’s message “Thy Kingdom Come” will examine a few of the difficult ‘pains’ as predicted by Jesus in Mark 13:1-8.  So join us Sunday to hear some startling claims of Jesus that ‘rocked’ the world of Jesus’ early disciples, & may just ‘rock’ your world too.  Yet, hope can be found & new life emerges in the midst of the struggle.

Worship begins at 10:00 AM, featuring a blend of the traditional and contemporary.  Warm friends will greet you.  The Holy Spirit will be present.  And, you will be inspired and encouraged in your faith.  A Nursery and Children’s Church are available.  Refreshments will be served following worship.  Men will meet at 11:15 AM for prayer.  Drama practice begins at noon.  Don’t forget to attend our Meatloaf Supper and Praise Band Concert Saturday evening.  See you this weekend!


Good Things


The Person God Uses