The Person God Uses
I am a broken person. You are a broken person. Truth is, we are all broken people. We have all been hurt by others, endured painful situations, and suffered the effects of sin, suffering, and loss in our lives. You might say: “We are ‘damaged goods’.” It is a fact: Life in this broken, fallen world has a way of beating us down and making us a bit jaded and cynical at times. So, are we beyond repair? Could God ever use such a broken person to accomplish His will on earth. Can Jesus use even me to bless others?
Thankfully, God is in the redemption business! There is no person whom God cannot use for good. There is no person God cannot bless and use to bless others. Despite our sins. Despite our shortcomings. Despite our suffering and brokenness. The message of the Bible is clear: God uses broken, lowly, even sinful persons to further His mission on earth! What other kinds of people are there? You may be far from God. You may not be popular or good looking. You may not have many resources. Yet, God can use YOU!
Join us Sunday as we lift up this wonderful truth with a message I call, “When in Drought,” based on one of our lectionary passages, 1 Kings 17:7-16. Together we’ll explore how God used a poor widow woman who was on the verge of starvation, to provide food for God’s prophet Elijah. The drama of 1 Kings 17 unfolds in three moving scenes. Each one contains a lesson and practical application for our lives. Discover how God used a poor and seemingly hopeless widow. Discover how God can use YOU!
Worship of our great God of wonders begins at 10:00 AM with a blend of both traditional hymns and contemporary choruses. The message will inspire you. The worship will lift your soul. Warm friends will greet you. Children will be welcomed into Children’s Church. Refreshments will be served following worship. And the presence of the God’s Spirit will touch your life and revive your heart! This is a Sunday not to miss. Plan to attend. Invite your friends, share this email, and let’s pack the house to the glory of God!