Eternity in Your Heart
Since the beginning of time, humans have felt an innate desire for what is Holy, Divine, and Eternal. Whether you realize it or not, the fact is we were all created for something higher, deeper, and spiritual. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us why: God has set eternity in the hearts of people. That emptiness you feel, that hunger of your soul, that longing of your heart – it’s truly a desire for God and His eternal life. Whether you want to admit it or not, you were created with a deep longing for Eternity!
The question is: What do you do with that longing for God? Some people misdiagnose this desire for God and try to fill that void with the things of this world. Persons might focus on self, or sex, or sports, for example. Some may focus on power, prestige, position, or popularity. But the Bible proclaims there’s a better way: Fill that longing with the God for whom you were created. Love Him. Worship Him. Serve Him. Live for Him. Give your inner longings to God and let Jesus fill your being.
That’s what worship is all about! And, that’s what we’re going to focus on this coming Sunday at Grace Church. Join us for a special message and refresher on the topic of worship. What is worship? Who is it all about? How should we worship? As Grace Church makes a significant transition to remain at one musically blended style worship service after 18 years of enjoying two services, let us be reminded and refreshed in our vision and purpose of worship regardless of music or style.
We’ll meet at 10:00 AM. A nursery space is available for infants and toddlers. Children 3 years through those in 2nd grade are welcome to attend Children’s Church. The message will be inspiring. The music will be uplifting. Warm friends will greet you. Visitors will be welcome. Newcomers are expected. And the healing presence of the Holy Spirit will minister to those whose hearts are true. Please prepare your heart and enter his courts with praise and thanksgiving with us this Sunday!