Growing in Jesus

We often think growing in Jesus means doing things such as praying, reading your Bible, attending church, and serving others.  These are all good and important things, but let us not forget the marvel and mystery of participating in the Sacrament of Communion to nurture and nourish our faith as well.  Somehow, in ways we do not fully grasp, Jesus has promised to meet us in the act of sharing and celebrating communion.  His life-giving, healing presence is imparted as we partake.  What a powerful way to grow your faith!

Another way to grow our faith (which we will also share in this coming Sunday) is proposed by the author of Ephesians.  “Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ” (Eph. 4:15).  Who knew that ‘speaking the truth in love’ was a means to growth and mark of Christian maturity?  Yet, speaking truth in love, the cross of Christ, and growth in Jesus Christ are all tied together in the solemn act of sharing the Lord’s Supper – something we have the privilege of doing this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, August 22, as we resume our two-service schedule with a 9:00 AM traditional worship service, and a 10:45 AM contemporary worship service.  The traditional service features hymn-singing with organ accompaniment; the contemporary service includes music led by our praise band.  The sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared at each service through individually packaged elements which will be distributed by an elder wearing gloves and a mask as you enter into the sanctuary. 

Both services will feature the same inspiring message, “Speaking Truth in Love,” based on Ephesians 4:1-16.  As we continue our sermon series on Truth, discover three ways to ‘speak truth in love” without losing all your friends!  A nursery room is available for those who want to use it.  And refreshments and beverages may be served between the services in our Fellowship Hall.  Masks and hand sanitizer are available for all who would like.  Join us this Sunday; invite a friend; and expect the Holy Spirit to refresh you!


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Sunday in the Park