Jesus Comes to Town!

Occasionally, a celebrity, dignitary, or presidential candidate comes to visit Waterloo.  I still remember when President Bill Clinton came and made an appearance at the Cattle Congress of all places some years ago.  His arrival and entrance included exciting music played over loud speakers, some pomp and fanfare, and a special introduction followed by the applause of many fans and followers.  Whether you supported Clinton for president or not, it was a fun to have such an important person in our midst.

This Palm Sunday, April 10 we have opportunity to welcome Jesus into our midst.  Two thousand years ago, people greeted Jesus with the waving of palm branches, shouts of praise, and even a parade as he entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey.  It was a great day for Jesus; but it had to be one of mixed emotions.  Surely, Jesus knew what lay ahead of him that week.  How ironic some of the same people shouting “Hosanna” on Sunday would be yelling “crucify him” on Friday.  Sadly, Jesus wasn’t so welcome after all.

Now it’s our opportunity to welcome Jesus!  Join us this Palm Sunday as we celebrate Jesus’ arrival into our midst!  Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM and contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature heart-felt worship, a biblical message, warm friends, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.  A nursery is provided at the second service.  Refreshments will be served between services.  And all are urged to attend as we set the stage for the events of Holy Week and give our praise to Jesus!


Anticipating Easter!


Weathering the Storms