Preparing for Easter
We’ve celebrated Palm Sunday. Holy Week is upon us. The events leading up to the crucifixion and death of Jesus are set in motion. And, we are already anticipating a glorious Easter Celebration this Sunday at Grace Church! So, how can we avoid letting this Easter from becoming just another religious holiday that comes and goes, and is soon forgotten? What will make this Easter different? Allow me to suggest four ways to make Easter more meaningful this year!
Ponder the incredible sacrifice of Jesus for you this Holy Week. It is sobering to think that Jesus died for you, in your place on that cross. May his act of love touch us all deeply. Plan to join our special and sacred Maundy-Thursday service this Thursday at 7:00 PM as we remember God’s love in Christ.
Pray that God would impress upon you someone whom you could invite and/or bring to worship with you this Sunday to join in our Easter Celebration. Easter is a time of year when even those who don’t normally attend church consider attending a service. Why not let it be a service at Grace Church?
Pass along the attached flyer(s) as an invitation to that special someone, or to anyone you can. The flyer contains information about service times and what visitors can expect for this Sunday at Grace as well as an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Let’s reach out to pack the house this Sunday! (See and/or print flyer.)
Plan now to attend or return to worship this coming Sunday for Easter! If you’ve been laying low due to COVID, this would be a good Sunday to return. We continue to social distance and encourage the wearing of masks. We’ll set up more chairs in the sanctuary if needed. Please plan to join us!
Imagine if all Grace Church members and friends did these four simple things to prepare for Easter this year! Imagine what a meaningful Holy Week and Easter we would have! Imagine people from all walks of life turning to Jesus for salvation and ready to praise our great God for the new life Jesus give to all who believe! Yes, let’s make this Easter better that last year as we gather in person with loved ones, family, and friends this Easter. By God’s grace, we can do it!
Together in Christ,
Pastor Dave Van Netten