My Favorite Destination
It’s no secret to those who know me that I love to visit Hawaii! Over the years, I’ve probably been there about ten times. And each time, I looked forward to going & enjoyed myself immensely. What’s not to love about Hawaii? Beautiful scenery, perfect weather, lush foliage, spectacular mountains, grand views, aqua colored waters, multi-ethnic foods, national history, island music, and the warm sand of world-famous Waikiki Beach. It’s truly a dream destination and I look forward to going to Hawaii again someday!
Do you have a favorite destination? It could be a beautiful vacation spot, a visit to grandma and grandpa’s house for cookies and hot cocoa, a trip to the zoo, or visiting loved ones in another state. Whatever it is, wherever it is, you always look forward to arriving at this special place. Jesus had a destination in mind too. In fact, his entire life was moving him toward this destination. But unlike a dream vacation or fun place, Jesus’ destination involved pain, suffering, and death. Jesus looked forward to the cross.
Sunday’s message, “Toward the Cross,” begins a new section in our study of Mark’s gospel. From now on, we focus on Jesus in Jerusalem and all the events that happen there. This week, we see Jesus arriving into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Mark’s version of Palm Sunday is solemn compared to the other gospel writers. Jesus knows full well what is about to happen to him in Jerusalem. Yet, there are at least three reasons Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem is Good News. Join us Sunday to be find out why and be encouraged!
Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM. Both services feature the same uplifting message, heart-felt worship, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. A nursery space and “Busy Bags” for children are also provided. Refreshments will be served between services. Please join us and feel free to bring a friend and/or family member with you. We look forward to God’s moving among us as we worship Him in spirit and in truth. Newcomers expected!