Poker & Jesus
Have you ever played poker? I have not; nor do I think I would be much good at it. I have trouble keeping up with simple card games on New Year’s Eve with friends in Michigan. I have, however, seen some poker matches on television. Occasionally, while flipping channels I stumble across the “poker channel.” Once when I was watching briefly, there was a high stakes moment where one of the players pushed all her chips to the center of the table. She went “all in” believing she had the best hand!
I don’t remember how the match turned out as I think I turned the channel. But the event made me think of how we as believers approach discipleship. Jesus made it clear that he wants disciples who are fully committed to following him. He wants followers who are “all in” for him. Yet, all too often, it seems we as Christians only dabble in our faith. We like to play it safe, stay calm and in control, not get too excited, and hold back. God is okay “on the side.” But we seldom go “all in” with a full on commitment.
As we continue our study of the Gospel of Mark this Sunday, we come to a story about a poor widow who gave it all for God. She deposited the last two coins she had into the temple treasury. Jesus commends her to the disciples as having put in more than others who put in large sums of money. How can this be? Sunday’s message entitled, “All In!”, will reveal three Good News lessons from the example of the poor widow. Are you “all in” for God? Are you a fully devoted follower of Jesus? Come, be inspired!
Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM. We’ll have the pleasure of commissioning our new Next Generational Ministry Leaders, Nadia & Kevin Boike, at each service along with all others who will be helping and leading in our discipleship ministries this year. We celebrate all our teachers, leaders, & helpers. Mid-week ministries begin Wednesday. Use the flyers on this web site’s Events Page to reach out and invite children and youth to join us. Let us be & make the disciples Jesus desires!