Proceed with Caution
In all of our lives, there are those times when we are faced with critical choices. Sometimes these decisions come in the wake of a hardship, health crisis, heartache, loss, or some painful experience. In those times we all have to decide how we will navigate through that difficult circumstance and situation, or simply how to proceed when facing important decisions and options. In these defining moments, our lives have the potential to go in very different directions. Choices may have good or bad consequences.
Perhaps you are facing decisions like this right now. Let’s face it: Life is a series of obstacles. Each day presents new challenges and choices. How will you respond? Which way will you go? How will you navigate through that present crisis? If you aren’t facing something at the moment, trust me – you will in time. And at these critical moments, we need wisdom from God to get through. This Sunday, I will share four steps based on James 1:1-12 about how to navigate through the obstacles of life successfully.
Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM. Both services feature the encouraging message, “Overcoming Obstacles,” heart felt worship, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Busy Bags will be available for children in the sanctuary while an unattended nursery space is available outside the sanctuary. Refreshments will be provided and served between services in the Fellowship Hall in honor of Carlene Stock’s 85th birthday. Please join us!
Don’t forget to set your clocks one hour back Saturday night as Daylight Savings Time ends early Sunday morning. No need to show up an hour early! Also, all men are invited to our Saturday men’s breakfast beginning at 9:00 AM in our Fellowship Hall. And, all ladies are also invited to the Women of Joy Bible study group meeting at 1:00 PM Saturday afternoon. Please join us in praying for a mighty working of God in our midst this weekend. Come, be revived and renewed with your loved ones this Sunday!