Sunday in the Park
Please join us this Sunday, June 13, as we gather in the greatest sanctuary ever built! Not one built by human hands, but the one built by the hands of God – the great out-of-doors! We’ll meet at 10:00 AM at Galloway Park, kiddy-corner from our church building. The humidity is supposed to decrease as we look forward to a comfortable morning in the shade. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, sunscreen or a hat if you like, and all the family and friends you can invite!
Worship begins at 10:00 AM with music led by our “Spirit of Grace” praise band. I’ll bring a message entitled, “All About Jesus,” encouraging personal faith in Christ. Following worship, we’ll enjoy a free picnic for all with hamburgers and hotdogs hot-off the grill, side dishes (served safely by volunteers wearing masks and gloves), Oreo-fluff dessert, chips, and plenty of cold water and lemonade. Face-painting and a balloon artist will be available for children. You are free to linger as long as you like!
Some handicapped parking will be designated along Stratford street close to Maxwell. We’ll also have a “golf” cart present (courtesy of Dave & Susan White) to help transport items and shuttle people who may have difficulty walking from their cars to the sitting area. Volunteers helping with set-up should arrive early. Food servers will be dismissed to their posts by me at a designated point late in the service. And, as always, all are invited to help greet and meet newcomers, and pass out bulletins.
I believe this may be our best “Sunday in the Park” ever! I’ve already heard from so many of you that after three years, we are eager and ready to get back out into the neighborhood. Praise God; it looks like the weather will cooperate this year. So, let’s continue to “go viral” with the spreading of invitations and flyers. I’ve attached a flyer to this email for your convenience. There’s more in the church foyer. Let’s reach out to invite friends, family, and whomever you can. May God’s Spirit be upon us!
Together for Jesus,
Pastor Dave Van Netten