Table scraps, please!
Do you feed your dog or cat under the table? Pets always know how to beg for food around meal time. Of course, once you start feeding them crumbs and table scraps, you reinforce this normally unwanted behavior. It’s better never to start doing this, but most of us are too tender-hearted. We see those big dark eyes looking up at us and cave!
Sunday’s message is about a time when Jesus gave some “crumbs” to the “dogs” under the table. Do you ever long for the touch of Jesus in your life? Do you have friends or family members who need healing? Do you wish Jesus would give you even just a few “crumbs” of His divine power, presence, and peace in your life? If so, you have a lot in common with the Syrophoenician woman in Sunday’s passage from Mark 7:24-30. Discover how this Gentile woman (referred to as a “dog” by the Jews) reached out to Jesus with bold faith for just a few “crumbs” and “table scraps” of Jesus’ power. As a result, great things happened for her & family. This is a message of hope & healing for all!
Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM and features the singing of some of the great hymns of our heritage. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM and features lively praise and worship music led by our “Spirit of Grace” praise band. Both services feature the same inspiring biblical message, worship that lifts the heart, welcoming friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. A nursery space is provided, and refreshments will be served between services. So, please join us on this Labor Day weekend and do the greatest work of worship by giving thanks and praising our mighty God. Bring a friend or family member. Let’s pack the house to the glory of God!