Trouble with the Law

Have you ever been in trouble with the law?  Have you ever gotten pulled over by the police?  Ever received a speeding ticket, been arrested, or spent time in jail?  Fortunately, I’ve never been arrested but I have received a few speeding tickets.  Some of you know of the time I went to Iowa City and blew through Cedar Rapids, getting my picture taken by the traffic cameras both coming and going!  My bad.  I’m used to watching for police cars, not looking for cameras.  That was an expensive lesson! 

It may surprise you to learn that Jesus had trouble with the law.  No, he wasn’t caught for speeding on his donkey.  He wasn’t given any traffic citations, that we know of.  And his trouble with the civil authorities hadn’t started just yet.  Jesus primarily got into trouble with religious laws and leaders!  He had violated some of the Jewish and Pharisees’ religious customs, traditions, and legalisms.  Jesus’ biggest conflict was not with tax collectors, prostitutes, liars, cheats and sinners, but with so-called religious people! 

If you have ever felt “burned-out” with religion and all the “dos and don’ts” of laws and legalisms … If you are tired of dry dogma, religious routines, rituals, and mere duty and disciple, this Sunday’s message (February 13) is especially for you!  Join us as we see Jesus take on the religious establishment through four powerful vignettes from Mark’s Gospel.  How does Jesus stand up for life in a religious system that killed?  Join us Sunday for my message, “Jesus vs. Religion,” and be liberated by the life-giving Jesus in action!

Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM and contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM.  Both services feature a dramatic biblical message, lively worship, a moving solo by Amanda Sadler, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  A nursery is provided at the second service and Busy Bags for children are available at both.  Refreshments will also be provided between services.  Please plan now to join us and bring a family member or friend.  This is a Sunday you will not want to miss! 


A Motley Crew


For All Who Would Come