Turn the Lights On!

When I was a young boy, my sister Mary and I would sometimes play in the basement following supper. We had fun things down there including some games, a chalkboard, and an old student’s desk. But after a while, Dad would enter the house from outside and notice the basement light switch was on. Not realizing Mary and I were downstairs, he would assume someone left the lights on and turn off the switch. Almost in unison, Mary and I would yell: “Turn the lights on!”

Mary and I were scared of the dark. Being down our basement in the dark was a frightening thing. There were creepy things down there – things like spiders, cobwebs, mice, and things that went “bump in the night.” How relieved we were when the lights came back on! Jesus said: “I AM the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). What does it mean? How can Jesus light our lives and world?

Join us this Sunday as we continue our “Who is Jesus?” sermon series by considering the second “I AM” statement of Jesus from John’s Gospel. The metaphor of light is rich in meaning and offers hope to anyone who may feel stuck in darkness or simply going through a dark or depressing time in their lives. Light shines, radiates, warms, and heals. Discover five personal and practical applications for your life of what it means that Jesus is the Light of the World.

Worship begins at 10:00 AM and will feature a blend of traditional hymns from our heritage as well as contemporary songs of praise and worship. The message will inspire you. The worship will lift your heart. Warm friends will welcome you. And the healing presence and power of the Holy Spirit will touch your soul! A nursery space and Children’s Church are provided. Refreshments will be served following worship. Forward this email; invited a friend; and please join us!


Finding the Right Gate


Wonder Bread