Overcoming Setbacks
You don’t have to live many years to know that life is filled with setbacks. Whether it’s an unexpected lay-off or job loss, an emergent health issue, a surprise repair bill, a relationship struggle, betrayal by a family member or friend, or the sad and sudden passing away of a spouse or loved one. Hardships and heartaches are all too common in this broken, fallen world complete with unexpected twists, turns, and detours. So how do we as believers deal with setbacks? How can we overcome them positively?
This Sunday, May 16’s message based on Acts 1:12-26 is all about overcoming the setbacks life deals us. Even the early Christian leaders faced hardship and difficulty when Judas betrayed Jesus, and when Jesus himself would return to heaven and leave them alone in their mission to the world. Yet, there is also Good News! Join us Sunday to discover three encouraging truths that help us to not merely cope with setbacks, but to overcome them with power, passion, and a positive spirit!
Traditional worship begins at 9:00 AM. Contemporary worship begins at 10:45 AM. Both services feature inspiring worship, an encouraging message, warm friends, and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. If you can’t make it in person, please check out the video on the home page of this website later in the day. I am so eager to preach this message and believe it will be of great encouragement to you. Let’s invite our friends and pack the house to the glory of God. See you Sunday!
Together in Christ,
Pastor Dave Van Netten